
How to Keep Up With ASF Events

We regularly volunteer and organize events, and we use electronic tools to let each other know what the plan is. You’ll want to connect to these information sources to stay in the loop!

There are 3 ways to be informed about ASF events:

1) The Best Way: Calendar Synch

A little bit of technical skill is required, but the reward is worth it! Imagine having the ASF calendar automatically synchronized to your cell phone, so your Google or Apple calendar displays scheduled ASF events in real time! This allows at-a-glance awareness of availability or conflicting appointments. You can toggle the ASF calendar on and off just like you do for birthday and holiday calendars.

To do this, you’ll use an iCal link. This is the iCal link for the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers: https://www.meetup.com/ARfreethinkers/events/ical . You’ll need to copy and paste this link into your calendar app.


Instructions at this link explain how to set up your Google calendar: https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37100?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en .


Instructions at this link explain how to set up your apple calendar: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202361 .


The following instructions show how to subscribe to a calendar in Outlook: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/import-or-subscribe-to-a-calendar-in-outlook-on-the-web-503ffaf6-7b86-44fe-8dd6-8099d95f38df . Note that you want to “subscribe” to get up-to-date information, because to “import” is to simply take a snapshot at this point in time.

Voila! Real-time information at your fingertips, on the go!

2) From the ASF Website

The ASF calendar of events and a list of upcoming events is also on the front page of our website, www.arfreethinkers.org . While you’re there, check out our blog, or drop into our just-launched forum!

3) Meetup.com

We post all our events and even some third-party events on https://www.meetup.com/ARfreethinkers/ . If you are involved in multiple groups on meetup.com, this could be the most convenient way to keep track of your activities.

Whichever method you chose, check the calendar often. Our volunteer organizers often post events the same they occur, although we try to give a little more lead time. We’re lucky to live in a time when organizers can throw together an event and inform potentially hundreds of people with a few clicks.